спойлерота по канону
- The first tribe of human was known as Neromenians.They broke down in others tribes , one was Tevinter. And another ,Barindur , seems to have ...er...vanished. It seems those tribes had magic, dreamers, and worshipped the old gods.
- The Neromenian (first human tribe in Thedas , and ancient Tevinter) used to think their fallen heroes were reborn as dragons and worship them.It seems Dreamers (also ruler) met the old god in the fade ,and then people start worshipping them as dragons too.
- The first human to use blood magic was Thalsian , first priest of Dumat, he said Dumat himself teached him.
- In Tevinter , some temples dedicated to old gods were turned in the first Circle of magi.
- In Tevinter , being part of a circle is a great privilege.
- Tevinter is sort of the firt state to adopt Andraste Teaching.After Archon Hessarion heard the Maker.A lot of altus magisters and old god priests were killed during this period called : Transfiguration. A lot who converted said they saw Andraste spirit in the fade...
- There are 4 classes in Tevinter : 2 mages/2 non mages.
1 :The Altus : descendats of the frist dreamers who used to talk with the Old gods. When the chantry rise in Tevinter , they were killed but they managed to rule again...
2:The Laetans :mages with non glorious heritage , a lot of them are mages born in non mages family.
3: Soporati (non mage):they can own land , join the military etc but they can't rule....
4: Slaves. Those who are freed are called Liberati they have limited rights.
- For a time a lot of non mage had power in Tevinter , they were part of the imperial chantry.
- Dwarves and Tevinter have a long history of friendship and there's a whole community of dwarves living there.They have some political power in the country via the Lyrium trade.
In Minrathous , Neromenian and Qarinus , the dwarven embassies are underground , and the Dwarves ain't casteless like the rest of surface dwarves.
Кунари, Пар-Воллен и немного Сегерона:
- 15 years before the first Blight , it seems a group of Kossith land in the Korcari wilds , and ...it just explains ogre.(I'm not really a big fan of this explanation , it really feel like "damn we never really thought about ogre origin!" but anyway...at least it's there.) - кунари совершили кругосветное путешествие? Или все материки кроме Тедаса населены в основном косситами? Быть может, существовало два, хм, потока расселения?
- In Par Vollen , human used to build pyramids...those pyramids seems to match the constellation Solium ( well at least we know now that people in Thedas are interested in stars etc...)and in a lot of carvings there is tall people with horns .Those people were in a position of respect/power.Something very vey strange , those carving seems to have been done before the qunari set foot there.Maybe flemeth haircut was fashionable back then . не знаю, являются ли рогатые изображения на пирамидах портретами тех аборигенов, которые населяли Пр Воллен до кунари? Интересно, похожи они на Мексику или Египет.
- There's some stuff about the Fog warrior.They paint themselves in white понятно, почему у них было такое взаимопонимание с Фенрисом and strike silently surrounded by a "magical" fog.
- The fog warriors have fog dancers , I guess they are some spiritual guide.They know some songs/tales.They say griffons come from Seheron, they talked about the curse of Nahar дух, бог или герой, по-видимому related to the fog...and a promise that will lift it, they talk about the March of the Four Winds, some lost people who fled to the north , and great heroes who learned at the feet of elves.
- Before the qun , Kossith worshipped animist gods.
- The Qunari believe the fade is the place of the dead. Of course it's forbidden to go to the fade. And they claim they do not dream like others.
- In elven language ,"Banalhan" =The place of nothing.it's what the elves use for Blight , or where the blight came from.
- It seems elves believe some of their gods are trapped in the Eternal city in the Beyond (the black city...)And the fade is the holy place of their gods...
- In current days , Nevarra 's ruler Markus Pentaghast is about to die , no direct heir , except his brother who's pretty old and has no children.
- In Nevarra , there's a powerful order of mages , the Mortalitasi.They are experts in mummification and maybe necromancy.They believe when somebody die , their soul cross the fade and a spirt gets misplaced and need a host.
- Outside of Nevarra city , there is the Grand Necropolis.where wealthy mummies live, i guess...It looks like a city , with mansions ,gardens , bathhouses , ballrooms...
- Hawke discovered red lyrium, and no one knows anything about it. сказали бы лучше, стала ли лириумом Мередит?
- You can cast a spell on somebody with his phylactery. Not just track mages. и существовала техника, позволявшая привязать к филактерии душу. Ну, и где наши личи?
- It seems violence or death makes blood magic spell more powerful.
- From an early age , Andraste suffered troubling dreams of the Maker имперская версия: "Андрасте была магом" все более вероятна?
- It seems the Fade has a raw form .A world of dark rock and lyrium where it's always night.
- The Veil is thinner at night when people are dreaming.
- If a archdemon possess another body it can turn it into an high dragon form. ну вот это вроде как было ясно еще из Кодекса игры
- A merchant traded with Kal Sharok ( one of the remaining Thaig) and noticed they had fabric from Orlais and book of poetry written 300 years ago by a free marcher.(strange because everyone thought everyone in KS was dead until recently) .And the merchant felt corruption that remind him of the grey warden and the Blight...;
- There's some specaulation that the current First Warden ( super boss of the GW) want to take the throne of the Anderfels.(I guess nobody would notice anyway , the Anderfels seems to suck)
- In Rivain the chantry and templars used to work with the seers (apostate) ...the situation may have changed.in 9:40 the circle in Dairsmuid (which was more a facade to appease the chantry than anything ) has been annulled after some Seeker investigation.( they decided they didnt like all these seer stuff afterall.)
Мне неожиданно нравятся Воины Тумана - раскрашенные тела, нападения под покровом тумана? Легенды и танцы у ночных костров, и джунгли! джунгли кругом. Все это.
У богов в ЧГ явно общежитие.